Rewarding community loyalty on Twitch
Moobot can reward community loyalty throughout its features. This can motivate your viewers, but also help you moderate your community on Twitch.
Moobot will watch your community members and see how long they have been watching your stream. You can then adjust Moobot's behavior to reward your loyal community members and be extra wary of viewers who are not part of your community.
Follow these steps to enable the Community Loyalty feature:
- Open up the
menu from the main menu, then open the«Special features»
menu from there. - While in the
«Special features»
menu, find the«Community loyalty»
feature and activate the toggle to the right-hand side of the feature to activate it. - Grant the requirements for the feature through the separate menu.
- It's now set up, and you can start using the loyalty functionality built in to Moobot's various features.
Uses for community loyalty
You can use community loyalty as a reward and an incentive, but it can also help you and your Twitch mods determine whether a viewer is part of your community.
This can better help you determine if someone is a troll, a spam bot, or just someone new to your community.
Moobot can help you by using loyalty in several ways:
- Doing giveaways only for your actual Twitch community
- Adjusting your chat moderation based on viewer watch time
- Accepting Song Requests only from members of your Twitch community
- Giving extra votes in your polls to your loyal community members
With Moobot seeing who is watching your stream, you can also:
Doing giveaways only for your actual Twitch community
Sometimes doing a giveaway can drive a crowd to your stream who are only there for the giveaway itself, and once it's over, they leave.
This may not seem like such an awful thing if you think this crowd somehow benefits you in follows and views, but experience shows that this crowd has very little benefit to you, and next to no benefit to your community.
This is where community loyalty can help you filter out this crowd, allowing only your actual community members to enter the giveaway.
When someone who you've frequently seen around in your Twitch chat wins the giveaway, it gives a way better feeling than if some random giveaway-bot won.
Only allowing your actual Twitch community to enter your giveaways
Here's how you make your giveaways only accept entries from your actual community members:
- While making your giveaway, make sure you can adjust the advanced options for your giveaway by activating the
«Show advanced options»
checkbox at the bottom of the menu. - Adjust who can enter your giveaway in the
section, setting the«Who can participate in this giveaway»
option to«Only those who have watched the stream for a minimum amount of time can participate»
. - Adjust the minimum amount of minutes watched in the
«Minimum amount of time watched»
input to what fits for this specific giveaway and your community. - Run your giveaway, where only your community members with the required minimum amount of time watched can take part.
Giving loyal community members additional chances to win your giveaways
By combining the loyalty, giveaways, and Tiers functionality of your Moobot, you're able to give your community additional chances to win your giveaways based on how long they have been watching your stream.
In the following example, we will set up additional chances to win for anyone who has watched your stream for over 10 hours:
- Set up your Tiers first. Skip this step and adjust the following steps if you've already set up your Tiers with a
«Watched for more than...»
role.- Open up the
«User management»
menu from the main menu, then open the«Tiers»
menu from there. - Set up the Tiers as the following:
- Tier #1:
«Normal user»
. - Tier #2:
and«Watched for more than 10 hours»
by making a custom role. - Tier #3:
«Moobot regular»
and«Twitch VIP»
- Tier #1:
- Save your changes.
- Open up the
- Create your giveaway:
- Open up the
menu from the main menu, then open the«Giveaways»
menu from there. - Click the
«Create giveaway»
button at the bottom of the menu. - While adjusting the settings of the giveaway, activate its advanced options.
- Drag the sliders in the
section to the following:- For
«Tier 1»
entrants, keep it at«one chance to be drawn»
. - For
«Tier 2»
and«Tier 3»
entrants, drag both sliders to«2 times the likelihood to be drawn»
- For
- Create the giveaway.
- Open up the
Any of your community members who have watched the stream for over 10 hours will now have 2 chances to win the giveaway. With this example they can also subscribe (or be one of your Twitch VIPs or Moobot regulars) to get the additional chance to win.
Adjusting your chat moderation based on viewer watch time
Adjusting your moderation to be gentler for your long-time community members may be desirable for you, as the risk of them displaying unwanted behavior in your chat is much lower than of someone not familiar with your community.
With adjusting your auto moderation based on viewer watch time you can:
- Have more lenient message filtering for your loyal community members, while anyone who is not part of your community will get their messages filtered like normal.
- Only allow loyal community members to post pre-approved trusted content to your chat, like pre-approved links and Twitch clips.
- Only apply certain blacklisted words, phrases and behavior to viewers who are not part of your community.
A viewer's watch time can also help you decide if you need to take further action when your auto moderation removes them.
While using the Community Loyalty feature, the event log will display the removed viewer's watch time directly in its entry for the removal.

Accepting Song Requests only from members of your Twitch community
Doing Song Requests can sometimes be difficult, as some of your viewers may not have the same taste in music as you, and sometimes you may even get the occasional viewer who goes from channel to channel just to add troll requests.
Only accepting Song Requests from loyal community members may help you combat these problems, and may also reward and increase loyalty in your community.
Here's how you can make it so only members of your community may request songs:
- Open up the
menu from the main menu, then open the«Special features»
menu from there. - While in the
«Special features»
menu, find the«Song Requests»
feature and use the«Settings»
button at the right-hand side of the feature to drop down its menu. In the drop-down menu select the«Filtering»
option, which will open up the filtering menu for the feature. - Scroll down the menu and activate the
«Only accept requests from users who have watched a minimum amount of time»
checkbox. - Adjust the minimum amount of minutes a viewer has to have watched your stream before they may request a song in the
«Minimum amount of time watched»
input. - Click the
button at the bottom of the menu to save the settings.
Giving extra votes in your polls to your loyal community members
While your polls rarely get the same amount of bots and undesirable entrants as your giveaways, you can still reward loyalty by giving extra votes in your polls to your loyal community members.
In the following example, we will give an extra vote to anyone who has watched your stream for over 10 hours:
- Set up your Tiers first. Skip this step and adjust the following steps if you've already set up your Tiers with a
«Watched for more than...»
role.- Open up the
«User management»
menu from the main menu, then open the«Tiers»
menu from there. - Set up the Tiers as the following:
- Tier #1:
«Normal user»
. - Tier #2:
and«Watched for more than 10 hours»
by making a custom role. - Tier #3:
«Moobot regular»
and«Twitch VIP»
- Tier #1:
- Save your changes.
- Open up the
- Create your poll:
- Open up the
menu from the main menu, then open the«Polls»
menu from there. - Click the
«Create poll»
button at the bottom of the menu. - While adjusting the settings of the poll, activate its advanced options.
- Drag the sliders in the
section to the following:- For
«Tier 1»
voters, keep it at«one vote»
. - For
«Tier 2»
and«Tier 3»
voters, drag both sliders to«2 votes»
- For
- Create the poll.
- Open up the
Any of your community members who have watched the stream for over 10 hours will now have their vote count as 2 votes in your poll. With this example they can also subscribe (or be one of your Twitch VIPs or Moobot regulars) to get the extra vote.
Seeing how long you've been watching someone on Twitch
The «!WatchTime»
chat command lets your viewers see how long they've been watching your stream on Twitch.

The chat command is part of the Community Loyalty feature and you can enable it from the built-in commands menu.
Looking up when someone was last seen in Twitch chat
The «!LastSeen»
chat command lets your viewers and Twitch mods look up how long ago someone was last seen in your chat.
You can use the chat command in Twitch chat like «!LastSeen username»
, where «username»
is the Twitch username you want to look up.

The chat command is part of the Community Loyalty feature and you can enable it from the built-in commands menu.
Seeing when your Moobot editors were last seen in Twitch chat
The Community Loyalty feature lets you see the time since each of your Moobot editors were last seen in your Twitch chat.
This can give you a quick overview of whether they are still active in your community.