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Automatically moderate Twitch chat with message filters

Your Twitch chat bot can remove any unwanted behavior from your Twitch chat, helping you create the community you want on Twitch.

Twitch chat experience

Moobot offers several built-in message filters to make your life easier. Activate the filter and Moobot will remove its unwanted behavior automatically from your Twitch chat.

Follow these steps to activate a message filter:

  1. Open up the «Moderation» menu from the main menu, then open the «Message filters» menu from there. The moderation menu
  2. While in the «Message filters» menu activate the toggle button to the right side of the filter you want to activate. Deactivated toggle button Activated toggle button
  3. Your message filter is now active in Twitch chat!

To adjust the settings of a message filter, click its «Settings» button (found in the «Message filters» menu.)

The settings button

Built-in message filters​

You can fully adjust your built-in message filters to fit you and your community on Twitch.

To adjust how the filtering for a filter works, activate the «Show advanced options» checkbox at the bottom of the settings menu, which will make the adjustable settings for the filter appear at the bottom of the menu.

The 'Show advanced options' checkbox

The links filter removes messages containing any links you haven't already pre-approved in your trusted links whitelist, or clips from Twitch channels which you haven't already pre-approved in your whitelist of clips from trusted Twitch channels.

Links in Twitch chat
Setting Description Default
Remove messages containing IPs Moobot will remove the message if it contains any IP addresses, to preserve the privacy of you and your viewers. ON
Remove messages containing 'dot com' variations Moobot will remove the message if it contains any hidden links like «twitch dot tv», «google dot com», «twitchDOTtv/moobot», etc. ON

Excessive use of CAPS filter​

The excessive use of CAPS filter removes messages containing excessive amounts of capital letters.

Excessive use of capital letters in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the excessive use of CAPS filter​

Setting Description Default
Minimum characters in the message before filtering (⁎) Moobot will only check the message for excessive use of capital letters when its length is equal to or greater than this value. 15
Maximum percent of capital letters allowed (⁎) Moobot will remove the message if the message or the user's display name (if activated) has a percentage of upper- compared to lower-case letters (not numbers or symbols) which is greater than this value. 60%
Check the username for excessive use of capital letters Moobot will check the user's display name for «Maximum percent of capital letters allowed». OFF

(⁎) Emotes and links do not count towards the filter's values.

General spam filter​

The general spam filter removes messages containing repeated letters, phrases or words, or other disruptive behavior.

Repeated letters, phrases or words, or other disruptive behavior in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the general spam filter​

Setting Description Default
Minimum characters in a message before filtering (⁎) Moobot will only check the message when its length is equal to or greater than this value. 20
Remove messages containing excessively repeated words and/or characters Moobot will remove the message if it contains an excessive use of repeating words and/or characters, like «spam this spam this spam this spam this». ON
Remove messages containing long words (⁎⁎) Moobot will remove the message if it contains a single word with a length greater than the value for «Maximum characters allowed in a word». ON
Maximum characters allowed in a word The maximum characters in a word for the «Remove messages containing long words» setting. 30
Remove messages spelled out with single-characters Moobot will remove the message if it's constructed like e.g. «e x a m p l e». ON
Maximum allowed single-characters in spelled out messages How strict the «Remove messages spelled out with single-characters» filtering should be. Standard
Remove users trolling others Moobot will remove the message if it's constructed like «type ... in chat for...». OFF

(⁎) The «Remove users trolling others...» filtering is unaffected by the length of the message.

(⁎⁎) Moobot will not treat links as words.

Symbols filter​

The symbols filter removes messages containing disruptive or excessive use of symbols.

Disruptive or excessive use of symbols in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the symbols filter​

Setting, excessive use Description Default
Minimum symbols in a message before filtering Moobot will only check the message for excessive use of symbols when it contains an amount of symbols equal to or greater than this value. 3
Maximum grouped symbols allowed in a message Moobot will remove the message if it contains a grouping of symbols with a length greater than this value. 8
Minimum characters in a message before filtering for percent of symbols Moobot will only check the message for percent of symbols when its length is equal to or greater than this value. 15
Maximum percent of symbols allowed in a message Moobot will remove the message if its percentage of symbols is greater than this value. 40

(⁎) Emotes and links do not count towards the filter's values.

Setting, unwanted use Description Default
Remove messages containing block symbols Moobot will remove the message if it contains any special block symbols (commonly used to spam.) ON
Remove messages containing zalgo symbols Moobot will remove the message if it contains any special zalgo symbols (commonly used to spam.) ON
Remove messages containing Moobot's blacklisted symbols Moobot will remove the message if it contains any of Moobot's blacklisted symbols. ON

Large texts filter​

The large texts filter removes lengthy messages.

Large texts in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the large texts filter​

Setting Description Default
Maximum characters allowed in a message Moobot will remove the message if its length is greater than this value. 375

(⁎) Emotes do not count towards the filter's values.

Emotes filter​

The emotes filter removes messages containing an excessive amount of emotes.

Excessive amounts of emotes in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the emotes filter​

Setting Description Default
Maximum amount of emotes allowed in a message Moobot will remove the message if it contains an amount of emotes greater than this value. 12

Number spam filter​

The number spam filter removes messages containing excessive or undesirable use of numbers.

Excessive or undesirable use of numbers in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the number spam filter​

Setting Description Default
Minimum characters in a message before filtering for percent of numbers (⁎) (⁎⁎) Moobot will only check the message when its length is equal to or greater than this value. 15
Maximum percent of numbers allowed in a message (⁎) Moobot will remove the message if its percentage of numbers is greater than this value. 80%
Remove messages containing just numbers Moobot will remove the message if it only contains numbers. OFF

(⁎) Emotes and white-space do not count towards the filter's values.

(⁎⁎) The «Remove messages containing just numbers» filtering is unaffected by the length of the message.

Repeated messages filter​

The repeated messages filter removes messages which are the same or very similar to messages recently posted by the same person.

By removing repeated messages you are potentially able to drastically reduce the duration of your Twitch chat's Slow Mode, as the negative effects of doing so will be handled by the filter.

Being able to reduce Slow Mode means your viewers will be able to interact with you more often, and keep their conversations flowing without pausing to wait for their Slow Mode to expire.

Excessively repeated messages by the same person in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the repeated messages filter​

Setting Description Default
Minimum characters in message before filtering (⁎) Moobot will only check the message when its length is equal to or greater than this value. 70
Maximum percent of similarity between messages allowed (⁎⁎) Moobot will remove the message if the calculated similarity-percentage between two messages it finds is greater than this value. 90%
(⁎⁎⁎) Amount of repeated messages allowed Moobot will remove the message if it finds an amount of repeated messages greater than this value. None (0)
Message expiration time (in minutes) Moobot will only check the message against other messages which have been sent within this expiration time. 5
Exclude valid commands from filtering Moobot will allow valid commands to be repeated when this option is activated. ON

(⁎) Emotes do not count towards the filter's values.

(⁎⁎) Any emotes in the messages will be ignored when determining their similarity.

(⁎⁎⁎) By "repeated message" it means the first message must be found again. In other words, the 2nd message is the 'repeated message'. So if the value is set to «Allow a message to be repeated again once», it means the message will not be removed until the 3rd similar message is sent.

Special letters filter​

The special letters filter removes messages containing excessive use of special letters like «ⓔⓧⓐⓜⓟⓛⓔ».

Excessive use of special letters in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the special letters filter​

Setting Description Default
Maximum special letters allowed in a message Moobot will remove the message if it contains an amount of special letters greater than this value. 4

/me messages filter​

The /me messages filter removes any stylized messages from someone who uses Twitch's «/me» chat command in chat.

Stylized messages using the /me chat command in Twitch chat

Nonexistent commands filter​

The nonexistent commands filter removes messages trying to use nonexistent bot commands.

Nonexistent bot commands in Twitch chat

Adjustable settings for the nonexistent commands filter​

Setting Description Default
Remove messages only after the second occurrence of a nonexistent command Moobot will only remove the message if a recent message has used a nonexistent bot command. ON

Fake removals filter​

The fake removals filter removes messages pretending to be deleted («message deleted by a moderator» variations.)

Messages pretending to be deleted in Twitch chat

Announcing unwanted behavior in Twitch chat​

The Twitch bot can automatically announce in your Twitch chat when someone breaks your rules.

By announcing when and why someone is removed from your Twitch chat, you make everyone aware of your rules and the consequences for breaking them.

While in a filter's settings menu, use the toggle button for «Announcements» to toggle its announcement.

The announcement messages are also fully adjustable in the «Announcements» section of a filter's settings menu.

The announcements section of the settings menu

Setting the repercussions of unwanted behavior​

Once Moobot filters a user's chat message you have two options on how it will affect the chat message and user.

Option Result
Remove only the message Moobot will remove the single offending chat message, but the user and their past and future messages will be unaffected.
(⁎) Remove both the message and the user Moobot will remove the offending chat message, and the user's recent messages. Moobot will also put the user in a temporary timeout.

(⁎) If a user is put in a timeout they will be unable to send any more messages to Twitch chat until the timeout has expired. You can adjust the duration in the «Timeout duration» input, allowing you to adjust the severity of the repercussions.

The timeout section of the settings menu

Warning users on their first offense​

Before giving a timeout, you can give misbehaving users a warning on their first offence. This allows them to learn your rules without any major repercussions.

To activate warnings for a filter, activate the toggle button for «Warning» while in a filter's settings menu.

Moobot gives a user one warning per filter.

The warning section of the settings menu

Once a warning expires (usually after 24 hours), the user will be given another warning (instead of a timeout) if they get filtered again. You can adjust the expiration time in the «Warning expiration time» input once the «Show advanced options» checkbox is activated.

The 'Show advanced options' checkbox

Adjusting the repercussions for warnings​

You have several options on how warnings will affect the chat message and user.

Option Result
Don't remove the message nor the user The chat message and user will be unaffected, but Moobot will make an announcement in Twitch chat (if activated.)
Remove only the message Moobot will remove the single offending chat message, but the user and their past and future messages will be unaffected.
(⁎) Remove both the message and the user Moobot will remove the offending chat message, and the user's recent messages. Moobot will also put the user in a temporary timeout.

(⁎) You can adjust the timeout duration in the «Warning timeout duration» input.

Having users acknowledge their offenses before they can chat again​

You can require users to acknowledge their offenses before they can chat again by activating the «The user must acknowledge the warning before they can chat again» checkbox in the «Warning» section of a filter's settings menu.

Having users acknowledge their offenses before they can chat again

Moobot will display this acknowledgment message in the user's chat window, which they must click to continue chatting.

This allows your viewers to confirm exactly which of your chat rules they have broken, without any confusion or repercussions.

Moobot can perform this action for the user's first offense (warning) when you have set the warning to either «Don't remove the message nor the user» or «Remove only the message».

Activating the Twitch acknowledgement popups for your chat message filters

Excluding special Twitch viewers from auto moderation​

You can exclude certain special viewers from your auto moderation, like your Twitch subs, Twitch VIPs and Moobot regulars.

Activate any of the following checkboxes in the «Whitelist» section of your filter's settings menu to exclude these special viewers:

  • «Exclude Moobot regulars (basic mode only)».
  • «Exclude Twitch subscribers (basic mode only)».
  • «Exclude Twitch VIPs (basic mode only)».
The whitelist section of the settings menu

Excluding special Twitch chat messages from auto moderation​

You can exclude certain special messages from your auto moderation, like Twitch re-sub alerts, highlighted messages from Twitch Channel Points, and chat messages with Bits.

Activate the various checkboxes in the «Whitelist» section of your filter's settings menu to exclude these special messages.

The whitelist section of the settings menu

You can also adjust the amount of Bits required to exclude the chat message, by adjusting the «Minimum amount of Twitch Bits to exclude» value.

Basic mode vs. Advanced mode​

Your built-in message filters have two modes: «Basic mode» and «Advanced mode».

While your filters are in «Advanced mode», each user type can have their own unique filter settings applied to them.

This means that you can set up your filtering to e.g. make your fresh (new) Twitch subs have standard filtering applied to them, your normal non-subs have strict filtering, and your 5 year Twitch subs and VIPs have some very lenient filtering applied to them.

Mode Pros Cons
Basic mode No need for adjustments. Cannot have different settings for certain users, only toggle off/on for Twitch subs, VIPs and Moobot regulars.
Advanced mode Can adjust the settings for each user type, allowing more strict or lenient settings for certain users. Requires additional adjustments.

Follow these steps to activate «Advanced mode»:

  1. Open up the «Moderation» menu from the main menu, then open the «Message filters» menu from there. The moderation menu
  2. While in the «Message filters» menu activate the «Show advanced options» checkbox at the bottom of the menu. The 'Show advanced options' checkbox
  3. Navigate to the «Advanced mode» section, which is now visible at the top of the «Message filters» menu. The advanced mode section of the message filters menu
  4. Activate the toggle button in the «Advanced mode» section. Deactivated toggle button Activated toggle button
  5. Click the «Enable» button in the confirmation dialog that pops up. The confirmation pop-up
  6. «Advanced mode» is now active, and you can set up the setting profiles for your filters.

Using different settings for different users​

You can set up unique settings for different users in Advanced mode by making a «Profile» for the type of user you want different settings for.

Adjusting your setting profiles​

Follow these steps to adjust your setting profiles:

  1. Open up the «Moderation» menu from the main menu, then open the «Message filters» menu from there. The moderation menu
  2. While in the «Message filters» menu, make sure you have activated «Advanced mode», and then click the «Settings» button for the filter you want to adjust the setting profiles for. The settings button
  3. While in the settings menu, at the bottom of the menu, click the «Edit» button to the right-hand side of the «Setting profiles (Advanced mode)» section. The setting profiles section of the settings menu
  4. Make different profiles for each user type you want to have different settings for, by clicking the «Add a profile» button at the bottom of the menu. The menu with no profiles added
  5. Adjust the sliders of the profiles to only show the user type you want each profile to apply to. You may have to adjust your Tiers if you do not already see the specific user type you want.
  6. Make sure you have a profile set for every one of your Tiers, which will make the menu green (opposed to red) with an «All good!» message displayed at the top of the menu. The menu with profiles added
  7. Click the «Save» button at the bottom of the menu.

Now adjust the settings of each of the setting profiles you created.

Adjusting the settings of a setting profile​

Follow these steps to adjust the settings of a setting profile:

  1. Find the profile you want to adjust the settings for in the «Setting profiles» section of the filter's settings menu. The setting profiles section of the settings menu, with profiles added
  2. Click the pencil-iconed button (labeled as «Edit») in the profile's table row.
  3. In the profile's settings menu, select the settings you want to adjust in the «Active settings» drop-down. The active settings dropdown opened The active settings dropdown
  4. Adjust the settings to fit your needs.
  5. (⁎) Repeat step 3 and 4 for each of the setting types («Lenient», «Standard», and «Strict»), and then in the «Active settings» drop-down select which setting type you want to be the active one.
  6. Click the «Save» button at the bottom of the menu to save your changes.

(⁎) Step 5 is not required, but highly recommended so that you can easily switch between settings.

Different settings for a setting profile​

Each setting profile has 3 different setting types that you can switch between: «Lenient», «Standard», and «Strict».

Only one of them is active at a time, which you select in the «Active settings» drop-down.

The active settings dropdown opened

This means if you want to make your settings more lenient or strict, you do not have to discard your previous settings, just switch to another setting type and adjust its settings, then switch back to your previous setting type at a later time.

By setting up and adjusting each of the different setting types for your profile, you can also temporarily override the settings, allowing you to switch your settings to e.g. be more strict when your Twitch chat becomes disorderly, or more lenient during a Twitch raid.

Excluding a setting profile from auto moderation​

You can exclude a setting profile from auto moderation by deactivating the «Enable message filtering» checkbox while adjusting its settings.

This means Moobot will deactivate the filtering for the selected filter for any user the profile applies to, allowing you to e.g. exclude your Twitch subs, Twitch VIPs and Moobot regulars from the filter.

Easily switching between lenient and strict filtering​

Advanced mode allows you to override the active settings for all your filters, e.g. in case your Twitch chat becomes unusually disorderly.

In the «Select override settings» drop-down at the top of the «Message filters» menu, select which settings you want to apply, and give the duration of the override (in seconds.)

The settings override section of the message filters menu

The active settings will then be (temporarily) switched over to your selection, being your «Lenient», «Standard», or «Strict» settings.

The settings override section of the message filters menu, with an override set

Handling BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ emotes​

With Moobot's BetterTTV (BTTV) and FrankerFaceZ (FFZ) integration your message filters will correctly identify emotes from these extensions, and treat them as such instead of just ordinary words as vanilla Twitch chat sees them.

This allows your Moobot to apply the correct filtering for any messages containing such emotes, which avoids your viewers getting incorrectly filtered.

Follow these steps to activate the BTTV and/or FFZ integration for your Moobot:

  1. Open up the «Miscellaneous» menu from the main menu, then open the «BTTV and FFZ» menu from there. The miscellaneous menu
  2. In the «BTTV and FFZ» menu find and activate the toggle buttons belonging to the integration you wish to activate. Activated toggle button
  3. Click the «Reload» button if you wish to immediately re-sync your emotes.