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Giveaways on Twitch for increased engagement

You can use giveaways to interact with your Twitch community, increase their engagement, and even encourage them to sub by e.g. giving subs an increased win chance.

Your community only has to send a message to Twitch chat to enter the giveaway - which is something everyone on Twitch can do! Including your community watching you from a mobile device.

Engagement increases drastically by making it so easy to enter the giveaway, while creating extra hype with the increased engagement being shown directly in Twitch chat.

Setting up and managing your giveaways is also quick and easy on your side - all done through your dashboard. Your Twitch mods can also fully manage your giveaways, helping you free up your hands.

You can also copy, re-do, export and import your giveaways. That way you can quickly get them going while you're live, avoiding any dead air or waiting.

Making a giveaway on Twitch

Follow these steps to make a giveaway:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Giveaways» menu from there. The community menu
  2. Click the «Create giveaway» button at the bottom of the menu. The giveaways menu
  3. Choose how your viewers will enter the giveaway: Choosing the type of the giveaway
    1. () With the «Typing a keyword in chat» option they will have to type a specified word in Twitch chat. You can adjust the word in the «Chat keyword» input. Keyword type giveaway
    2. With the «Guessing a random number in chat» option, they will have to guess a number (which Moobot randomly generates) by typing it in Twitch chat. Moobot will declare the first one who types the correct number as the winner. You can adjust the range of the generated number in the «Random number start» and «Random number end» inputs. Random number type giveaway
  4. Click the «Create» button at the bottom of the menu.
  5. Your viewers can now start interacting with your giveaway.
    1. For a keyword-type giveaway, Moobot will keep announcing in chat how many entries are being added to the giveaway. Entering the giveaway by typing the specified word in Twitch chat
    2. For a random-number-type giveaway, Moobot will declare the winner as soon as someone types the correct number. Guessing the random number in Twitch chat
  6. Manage your giveaway winners.

() The specified word (keyword) is case-insensitive, and can be placed anywhere in the Twitch chat message.

Adjusting advanced options for your giveaways

You can adjust more advanced options while making your giveaway by activating the «Show advanced options» checkbox at the bottom of the menu.

The 'Show advanced options' checkbox

Encouraging Twitch subs with giveaways

You can restrict entries to only your Twitch subs or long-term subs, or give your Twitch subs additional chances to win the giveaway. You can also give even more additional chances to your long term Twitch subs by using Moobot's Tier system.

This can act as a big encouragement for your viewers to sub to you on Twitch and reward the loyalty of your current subs.

Running your giveaway

There are several ways to run your giveaway, but here is a basic one:

  1. Make your giveaway (off-screen if possible.)
  2. Once you've made the giveaway, the dashboard will take you to the management menu, which displays the current status of your giveaway. Managing a keyword-type giveaway Managing a random-number-type giveaway
  3. Screen capture the management menu so that your viewers on Twitch can get a visual representation of the giveaway.
  4. Keep clicking the announcement button to let your viewers know how to interact with the giveaway. Announcing that the giveaway is open
  5. Decide on the winners of your giveaway:
    1. For a keyword-type giveaway, wait for all your viewers to enter the giveaway and then draw one or more winners by clicking the «Draw entrant...» button at the bottom of the management menu. You can then manually decide whether to accept or re-draw a winner. Drawing winners from a keyword-type giveaway
    2. For a random-number-type giveaway, there will only be a single winner who Moobot will declare once they have guessed the correct number. Declared winner of a random-number-type giveaway
  6. Announce the final winners of your giveaway directly on stream.
  7. Click the «Archive» button in the bottom right corner of the menu.

Deciding the final winners of your giveaway

Whether a giveaway winner is the actual final winner of the giveaway is entirely up to you.

Most streamers base this decision on whether the winner is following the stream, and whether they're still around in Twitch chat.

Follow status of Twitch users

The management menu of your giveaway gives you the current follow-status of any potential winners, and you can see their full chat history (including timeouts and bans) by clicking on their «Show information» button.

Showing information for a Twitch user Information for a Twitch user

Keyword-type giveaways give you the option to accept or deny drawn entrants, while you must re-do a random-number-type giveaway to discard the declared winner.

Accepting or denying your giveaway winners

For keyword-type giveaways, once you've drawn an entrant while running your giveaway, you can choose whether you consider them a winner.

While in the management menu of your giveaway, you can accept or deny a drawn entrant by clicking the thumb iconed buttons labeled «Accept» or «Deny».

Accepting a giveaway winner Denying a giveaway winner

Once accepted or denied, Moobot puts them in a separate «Processed drawn entrants» section of the menu.

You can also make announcements to Twitch chat at each step for:

  • When an entrant is drawn.
  • When an entrant is denied.
  • When an entrant is accepted.

Making your giveaway winners claim their win before fully accepting them

Once you've chosen and accepted a winner for your keyword-type giveaway, you can have them claim their win, to make sure they're still around.

You do this by activating claiming in the advanced options of your giveaway, which will allow your accepted winners to use the «!Claim» chat command in Twitch chat to claim their win.

The claiming section of your advanced options

When you have activated claiming for your giveaway, the management menu will display (in real-time) whether an accepted winner has sent the «!Claim» chat command to your Twitch chat, giving you the choice to discard/deny them.

Waiting for the winner to claim in Twitch chat Winner has claimed in Twitch chat

You can adjust both the chat command and the responses in the claiming-section of your advanced options.

Discarding a random-number type giveaway winner

For random-number-type giveaways, Moobot declares the winner once they have guessed the correct number.

If you don't want to accept the declared winner as the actual winner, you will have to re-do the giveaway to give someone else a chance to guess the (new) correct number.

Archiving completed giveaways

While some giveaways are quick and some can last up to a month, remember to free up space for your next giveaway by archiving your completed ones.

Follow these steps to archive a giveaway:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Giveaways» menu from there. The community menu
  2. Find your giveaway in the «Current giveaways» list and click the «×» button labeled «Archive giveaway» in the giveaway's table row.
  3. Click the «Archive it» button in the confirmation pop-up. The confirmation pop-up
  4. Moobot has now archived your giveaway and freed up space for your next one.

Viewing your archived giveaways

Moobot keeps the results of your previous (100) giveaways in your archive, and you can view the archive by following these steps:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Giveaways» menu from there. The community menu
  2. Click the «View archive» button at the bottom of the menu.
  3. Find your giveaway in the «Archived giveaways» list and click the eye iconed button labeled «View». Archive of completed giveaways
  4. A separate menu should now display the details (including the drawn entrants) of the giveaway. Details of an archived giveaway

Announcing your giveaway in Twitch chat

Your Moobot can do announcements in Twitch chat to let your viewers know how to enter the giveaway.

If you've restricted who can enter, or given certain viewers additional chances to win the giveaway, we recommend letting your community know about this in the giveaway's announcement messages.

Automatically announcing your giveaway in Twitch chat

Your Moobot will make an automatic announcement to Twitch chat after one or more viewers have entered the giveaway.

This automatic announcement (as default) tells your viewers about the total entries, and how to enter the giveaway.

You can adjust the announcement in the «Entry announcement message» input, in the «Entry announcement» section of your advanced options.

Automatic giveaway announcements

This announcement can happen max every 5 seconds, and only once within its set cooldown, which you can adjust in the «Entry announcement cooldown» input, in the «Entry announcement» section of your advanced options.

You can also disable the automatic announcement by deactivating the toggle button in the «Entry announcement» section.

The automatic giveaway announcement in Twitch chat

Manually announcing your giveaway in Twitch chat

You can make announcements manually through your dashboard by clicking the various announcement buttons, which Moobot will then post to Twitch chat.

In the management menu of your giveaway you will find the manual announcement buttons, labeled with a megaphone/bullhorn icon.

Announcing that the giveaway is open

There are different announcements for:

  • How to enter the giveaway (when it's open.)
  • That the giveaway is closed for new entries (when it's closed.)
  • A drawn entrant has been drawn.
  • A drawn entrant has been accepted as a winner.
  • A drawn entrant has been denied as a winner.

You can adjust these announcements in the «Announcements» section of your advanced options.

Giveaway announcements

Restricting who can enter your giveaway

You can set who exactly can enter your giveaway by adjusting the «Participation» section of your advanced options.

In the «Who can participate in this giveaway» input you can choose between these options:

  1. The «Anyone can participate» option, where there are no requirements for entering.
  2. () The «Only the selected user groups can participate» option, where only the chosen user groups in the «Select user groups» input may enter your giveaway. You can select one or more groups from these user groups:
    1. Normal users (any users)
    2. Twitch mods
    3. Moobot regulars
    4. Moobot editors
    5. Twitch subs Restricting giveaways to selected user groups
  3. The «Only the users with a minimum Tier can participate» option, where only viewers with an equal or higher Tier than the chosen Tier may enter your giveaway. Restricting giveaways to minimum Tier
  4. The «Only those who have watched the stream for a minimum amount of time can participate» option, where only viewers who have watched your stream for a minimum amount of time may enter your giveaway. You can adjust the minimum amount of minutes watched in the «Minimum amount of time watched» input. Restricting giveaways by watch time

() The viewer only has to be in one of the user groups to participate.

Giving certain viewers additional chances to win your giveaway

You can use win-chance multipliers to give certain viewers additional chances to win your giveaway.

By e.g. giving a 2x multiplier to your Twitch subs they are twice as likely to win the giveaway.

A multiplier can be from 1 (none) to 10, and you can give a multiplier to your:

  1. Moobot regulars
  2. Twitch subs
  3. () Individual Tiers

() By setting up your Tiers properly you are e.g. able to give your long term Twitch subs a higher multiplier than your new Twitch subs.

You can adjust the multipliers in the «Participation» section of your advanced options by dragging the accompanying slider to the desired multiplier.

Using win chance multipliers for giveaways

Scheduling your giveaways

You can schedule your giveaways to only be open within a certain time period.

Activate and adjust the «Start the giveaway at a specified time» and/or the «End the giveaway at a specified time» inputs in the «Duration» section of your advanced options to schedule your giveaway.

Scheduling giveaways

Keeping your chat clean from entries

In some Twitch chats the extra hype from the giveaway entry messages may be a positive thing, but in other chats it may become a nuisance.

Activate the «Remove the message the user enters the giveaway with» checkbox in your advanced options to combat this.

Keeping Twitch chat clear from giveaway entries

If you have got a brief chat delay enabled for your Twitch chat, chat will never display the entry messages to your viewers, as Moobot will remove them before chat displays them.

For this reason, we recommend using a chat delay when using this functionality.

Reusing your giveaways by exporting and importing them

You can export a giveaway to a file, and then easily import it again later.

This lets you easily make templates for the giveaways you run often, or pre-making your giveaways before your stream and then importing them when they're needed during your stream.

With some finesse, you can also edit the exported file to only keep the specific settings you want.

Follow these steps to export your giveaway:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Giveaways» menu from there.
  2. Find your giveaway in the «Current giveaways» list and click the button labeled «Export giveaway to file» in the giveaway's table row.
  3. Use the dialog to save the exported giveaway to a file on your local system.

You can now import the exported settings to a new giveaway by following these steps:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Giveaways» menu from there.
  2. Click the «Import» button at the bottom of the menu.
  3. Select the giveaway export file you want to import and then confirm the dialog.
  4. (Optional) Adjust the settings.
  5. Click the «Create» button at the bottom of the menu to make the giveaway.

Running your giveaways exclusively from Twitch chat

You can run giveaways directly from Twitch chat by using the built-in «!Giveaway» chat command.

By activating the «Available from chat for any Twitch chat moderators» checkbox in the settings, you can also make the «!Giveaway» chat command available to your Twitch mods, helping you free up your hands during your stream.

You can do giveaways from Twitch chat with most of the same features of one run from your dashboard, but you are limited to running keyword-type giveaways only.

Follow these steps to set up the «!Giveaway» chat command:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Giveaway command» menu from there. The community menu
  2. Activate the toggle button for the command to enable it. Deactivated toggle button Activated toggle button
  3. (Optional) Adjust the settings. Activate the «Show advanced options» checkbox at the bottom of the menu to adjust the advanced settings. The !Giveaway chat command
  4. Click the «Save» button at the bottom of the menu to save your changes.

All giveaways with the «!Giveaway» chat command always use the settings from the «Giveaway command» menu.

Using the !giveaway chat command in Twitch chat

The «!Giveaway» chat command has several options for running a giveaway:

Twitch chat command Description
!Giveaway open Resets and opens the giveaway for new entries.
!Giveaway open «keyword» Sets the keyword to the given keyword, and then resets and opens the giveaway for new entries.
!Giveaway close Closes the giveaway for new entries.
!Giveaway draw Draws an entrant from the giveaway entries.
!Giveaway reset Removes all entries from the giveaway.
The !Giveaway chat command used in Twitch chat