Custom chat commands for your Twitch chat bot
Custom chat commands help you minimize the effort you spend on repeating yourself, so you instead can engage with and entertain your audience.
With your custom chat commands you can make your own special Twitch chat commands for this purpose, with their own names and responses in Twitch chat.
Using a chat command in Twitch chat​
To use a chat command, you just send a normal message to chat like «!Command»
, where «Command»
is the name of the chat command. First comes a «!»
symbol, then the name of the chat command.
Your Moobot will then respond with the chat command's response.

You can also send chat commands from your dashboard through the controls widget.
Adding a chat command​
Just follow these steps to add a chat command to your Twitch chat:
- Open up the
menu from the main menu, then open the«Custom commands»
menu from there. - Type the name of your chat command in the
«Command name»
input at the bottom of the menu. E.g.«Twitter»
if you want to use the command in Twitch chat like«!Twitter»
. - Click the
button once you've chosen and typed in a name for your chat command. - In the edit-menu for your new chat command, find the
input, and type the message you want the chat command to respond with in Twitch chat. - Click the
button at the bottom of the menu.
That's it! Your chat command is now ready, and you can use it by sending a «!Command»
message to your Twitch chat (where «Command»
is the name of the chat command.)

Editing a chat command​
- Open up the
menu from the main menu, then open the«Custom commands»
menu from there. - Search for your chat command in the menu's search-bar, find your command in the table, and then click on the pencil-iconed button (labeled as
) in your command's table row. This will then take you to its edit-menu. - Find the
input and type the message you want the chat command to respond with in Twitch chat. - Click the
button at the bottom of the menu.
Chat command examples​
You can create some common chat commands to get started:
Social media chat commands:
Try creating a chat command encouraging your community on Twitch to follow you on social media.
Name it something like «!Social»
, and link your social media in its response.
You can also create multiple chat commands tied to one specific social network, like «!Twitter»
, «!Facebook»
and «!Instagram»
Schedule chat command:
Create a «!Schedule»
chat command that tells your viewers about your stream schedule on Twitch.

Game-specific chat commands:
If you're streaming games with special mods or settings, create a chat command that explains that.
For example, when playing a modded game like Skyrim you can have a «!Mods»
chat command which links your viewers to a list of your mods.
Or when playing CS:GO, «!Sensitivity»
with your mouse sensitivity, «!Crosshair»
with information about your crosshair, etc.

Gear-specific chat commands:
Got some special gear? Link your headset with a «!Headset»
chat command, keyboard with «!Keyboard»
, etc.
Auto posting chat messages​
Moobot can automatically post the chat command's response to Twitch chat.
You can use this to e.g. post some commonly used commands, announcements, or to shout out your sponsors.
Follow these steps to post a command to chat automatically:
- Edit the chat command you want to post to chat automatically.
- Activate the
«Automatically post this command to chat while chat is active»
checkbox when in the edit-menu for the chat command. Keep in mind that this option is only visible when you deactivate the«Show advanced options»
checkbox. - Click the
button at the bottom of the menu.
Moobot will now post your chat command to Twitch chat automatically.
You should also read the auto posting chat messages documentation for how to set the elapsed time required for the chat command to post.
Chat commands with multiple names​
A chat command can have several names in chat.
For example, if you have a «!Mods»
chat command you also might want it to respond when a viewer types «!Mod»
in Twitch chat.
Or if you have a chat command like «!Social»
, you also might want it to respond to «!Twitter»
and «!Instagram»
By using aliases, you can create multiple names for your chat commands. That way you don't have to update the response across multiple duplicate chat commands. Just one response and one place to edit it.
You can see the chat commands with multiple names documentation for how to set up aliases for your chat commands.

Setting a chat command (from chat) as a Twitch mod​
You can set a chat command's response from Twitch chat as a mod, but the chat command must have these requirements fulfilled:
- The
«Allow Twitch chat moderators to adjust certain settings (like the chat text, counter, time, etc.) of the command directly from chat»
option must be activated for the chat command. (Only visible when advanced options are visible.) - The chat command must have a
«Text - Text set from chat»
response tag in its response. The text set from chat will become the value of this response tag. - The chat command's response must be set from chat like
«!Command Text...»
, where«Command»
is the command's name, and«Text...»
the new response.
You can also use the «!Editcommand»
built-in chat command for chat commands which do not have a «Text - Text set from chat»
response tag in its response.
Common problems​
A chat command responds to some viewers but not to others​
When your viewers use a chat command multiple times within a brief span of time, Moobot will drop its response. Moobot does this to reduce repetitive responses which create unnecessary spam in your Twitch chat.
A chat command isn't being auto posted to Twitch chat​
Moobot will only auto post a chat command once a certain amount of minutes and chat lines have passed.
If someone uses the command in chat, or if Twitch chat is inactive for a lengthy period, the required minutes and chat lines will reset.
This means that the chat command may not post automatically if your Twitch chat is very slow throughout your streaming session.
Links are being removed from chat command responses​
When you add a link to a chat command, but your Moobot does not post the link in its response, it means the link was censored by your Twitch AutoMod.
AutoMod may censor any link, even when Moobot is your chat mod.
We recommend adjusting the text and link until AutoMod no longer censors it, or if that fails the only option is to deactivate AutoMod or reduce its filter level.
Creating advanced chat commands​
You can create more advanced chat commands by using the command's advanced options.
To make the advanced options visible, edit the chat command, and while in the edit-menu activate the «Show advanced options»
checkbox at the bottom of the menu.

Using response tags​
While you have the advanced options activated, the «Response»
input will display a drop-down of tags you can insert into the response.

The tags are used to display dynamic data, and can e.g. be used to display what game you're playing on Twitch, without you having to change the response of the chat command whenever the game changes.

Moobot will fetch the data for you and display it correctly in the chat command's response.

Available response tags​
- Text - Text set from chat
- Username - User who sent the command
- Mentioned @username
- By - User who set the text
- Counter - Command counter
- When - Time since the text was updated
- Random number
- Random text
- Arguments - All command arguments
- Arguments - All command arguments (URL-encoded)
- Arguments - Command argument 1-5
- Countdown - Time remaining until the set date and time
- Countdown time - Time remaining until the set time of day
- Countup - Time since the set date and time
- Time - Current time for the set time zone
- Channel name
- Channel name sentence cased
- URL-fetch
- Twitch - Current stream title
- Twitch - Current stream category
- Twitch - Amount of followers
- Twitch - Amount of viewers
- Twitch - Time since the user followed
- Twitch - Subscriber count
- Twitch - Subscriber score
- Twitch - Latest subscriber
- Twitch - Time since the latest subscriber
- Twitch - Time since the stream started (Uptime)
- Twitch - Timestamp since the stream started
- Twitch - Random username from the chat user list
- - Currently playing song
- YouTube - Latest video title
- YouTube - Latest video URL
- YouTube - Latest video number of views
- YouTube - Latest video time since published
- League of Legends - League
- League of Legends - League points
- Teamfight Tactics - League
- Teamfight Tactics - League points
- Teamfight Tactics - Wins
- Teamfight Tactics - Losses
- Teamfight Tactics - Win rate
- Valorant - League
- Apex Legends - Current rank
- Apex Legends - Current Legend
- Apex Legends - Current level
- Apex Legends - Total kills
- Apex Legends - Total kills on current Legend
- Apex Legends - Total damage
Text - Text set from chat​
This tag is used to display a text which you have set directly from Twitch chat. You can set this in chat with «!Command Text...»
, where «Command»
is the chat command's name, and «Text...»
the updated text.

You can use this to allow your Twitch mods to change the chat command's response, or for easy editing of a command's response directly from Twitch chat.

Username - User who sent the command​
This will display the Twitch username of whoever used the chat command in Twitch chat.

Mentioned @username​
This will display a mention, but only if you provide a mentioned user when using the chat command, e.g. with «!Command @username»
or «!Command username»
. Otherwise the response will omit the mention.

By - User who set the text​
This will display the Twitch username of whoever last updated the response of the chat command.

Counter - Command counter​
This tag is used to display and manage a counter.
For example, you can show how many deaths you've had in a game, or how many times a chat command has been used.
You can set the counter to increment each time someone uses the chat command, with options to restrict what user groups this applies to, and the cooldown between each increment.
You can also set the counter directly by using the command like «!Command number»
, where «Command»
is the chat command's name, and «number»
the value of the counter. E.g. «!Command 10»
will set the counter to 10.
The counter can also be increased or decreased by using it in chat like «!Command +10»
, and «!Command -10»
. Or you can use it like «!Command +»
and «!Command -»
to increase or decrease the counter by 1.

When - Time since the text was updated​
This will display the time since the response of the chat command was last updated.

Random number​
This will display a random number chosen by Moobot.
You can set the range (lowest and highest values) of the random number, whether someone can provide a custom range (e.g. by using the chat command like «!Command 1-100»
), and whether to display the range in the command's response.

Random text​
This will display a random text option chosen by Moobot.
The options are fully customizable, and you can add up to 50 separate options for each list.
You can also add up to 3 separate lists, with their own options and placement in Moobot's response.

Arguments - All command arguments​
This will display the text provided when using the chat command. E.g. if you use the chat command like «!Command This is the text»
the arguments will be equal to «This is the text»
The arguments will be empty if you use the chat command with no text. E.g. with just «!Command»

Arguments - All command arguments (URL-encoded)​
This is the same as the Arguments - All command arguments, but Moobot will URL-encode the arguments so you can use them in a link.

Arguments - Command argument 1-5​
As Arguments - All command arguments, but it will display a single argument instead of all the arguments (the entire text.)
E.g. if you use the chat command like «!Command This is the text»
the «Command argument 1»
will display as «This»
, and «Command argument 3»
will display as «the»
, etc.

Countdown - Time remaining until the set date and time​
This will display the remaining time until the set date and time.
You can set the date from Twitch chat by typing «!Command DD-MM-YYYY»
(e.g. «!Command 29-01-2025»
), where «Command»
is the name of the chat command, «DD»
is the date of the month, «MM»
is the month, and «YYYY»
is the year.
You can also set the time from Twitch chat by typing «!Command HH:MM»
(e.g. «!Command 01:59»
), where «Command»
is the name of the chat command, «HH»
the hours in 24-hour format, and «MM»
the minutes.

Countdown time - Time remaining until the set time of day​
This will display the remaining time until the set time of day for the set time zone.
You can set the time from Twitch chat by typing «!Command HH:MM»
(e.g. «!Command 01:59»
), where «Command»
is the name of the chat command, «HH»
the hours in 24-hour format, and «MM»
the minutes.

Countup - Time since the set date and time​
Like the countdown response tag, only that it's counting up from the set date and time instead of down.
Time - Current time for the set time zone​
This will display the current time for the set time zone, in 24-hour format.

Channel name​
This will display the channel's name.
Channel name sentence cased​
This will display the channel's name in sentence case. E.g. the channel name «moobot»
will display as «Moobot»
URL-fetching allows you to get chat command responses directly from a remote service.
For more information, check out building your own dream Twitch chat commands.

Twitch - Current stream title​
This will display the current stream title you have set on Twitch.

Twitch - Current stream category​
This will display the current stream category/game you have set on Twitch.

Twitch - Amount of followers​
This will display the channel's current amount of Twitch followers.

Twitch - Amount of viewers​
This will display the channel's current amount of viewers on Twitch.

Twitch - Time since the user followed​
This will display how long someone has followed the channel.
If someone uses the chat command like «!Command»
, where «Command»
is the chat command's name, then whoever used the command will be the one Moobot looks up the follow for.
You can also provide a Twitch username by using the chat command like «!Command username»
, where «Command»
is the chat command's name, and «username»
the Twitch username of the user to look up the follow for.
The chat command will not respond if the Twitch user is not following the channel.

Twitch - Subscriber count​
This will display the channel's current amount of Twitch subs.

Twitch - Subscriber score​
This will display the channel's current Twitch sub score.
Twitch - Latest subscriber​
This will display the Twitch username of the channel's latest Twitch sub.

Twitch - Time since the latest subscriber​
This will display the time since the channel's latest Twitch sub.
Twitch - Time since the stream started (Uptime)​
This will display the time passed since the current stream started.

Twitch - Timestamp since the stream started​
Same as the time since the stream started (Uptime) response tag, but will display as a timestamp (00:00) instead.
Twitch - Random username from the chat user list​
This will display a randomly chosen Twitch username from the current Twitch chat user list. - Currently playing song​
This will display which song you are playing, taken directly from tracks your music via its scrobbler apps.
Just register on, set up the scrobbler app, and you're ready to go!
If you want to track your YouTube video plays, you can also use a browser extension which supports scrobbling. Moobot will then be able to display what video you're watching on YouTube.

YouTube - Latest video title​
This will display the title of your latest YouTube video upload.

YouTube - Latest video URL​
This will display a link to your latest YouTube video upload.
YouTube - Latest video number of views​
This will display the number of views of your latest YouTube video upload.
YouTube - Latest video time since published​
This will display the time since your latest YouTube video upload was published.
League of Legends - League​
This will display your current league on League of Legends.

League of Legends - League points​
This will display your current League Points (LP) on League of Legends.
Teamfight Tactics - League​
This will display your current league on Teamfight Tactics.

Teamfight Tactics - League points​
This will display your current League Points (LP) on Teamfight Tactics.
Teamfight Tactics - Wins​
This will display your current wins (first place only) on Teamfight Tactics.
Teamfight Tactics - Losses​
This will display your current losses (second through eighth place) on Teamfight Tactics.
Teamfight Tactics - Win rate​
This will display your current win rate (first place) on Teamfight Tactics.
Valorant - League​
This will display your current league on VALORANT.
Apex Legends - Current rank​
This will display your current (global) rank on Apex Legends.

Apex Legends - Current Legend​
This will display your current Legend on Apex Legends.
Apex Legends - Current level​
This will display your current level on Apex Legends.
Apex Legends - Total kills​
This will display your total kills on Apex Legends.
Apex Legends - Total kills on current Legend​
This will display your total kills on your current Legend on Apex Legends.
Apex Legends - Total damage​
This will display your total damage on Apex Legends.
Letting your Twitch mods edit chat commands​
You can allow your Twitch mods to update certain settings of a chat command by activating the «Allow Twitch chat moderators to adjust certain settings (like the chat text, counter, time, etc.) of the command directly from chat»
checkbox when editing the command.

Auto posting chat messages via multiple timers​
You can adjust which timers are posting the chat command directly from the edit-menu in the «Timer»

You can use the separate Timers menu for more adjustments.
Setting a chat command's cooldown​
You can set the cooldown for the chat command in the «Minimum command cooldown»
This cooldown does not apply for your Twitch mods and is separate from the global chat command cooldown.

Restricting who can use a chat command​
You can restrict the use of a chat command to certain user groups:
- Normal users
- Twitch subs
- Twitch mods
- Moobot regulars
- Moobot editors
Just pick what user groups you want to allow to use the chat command in the «Only allow these user groups to use the command in chat»

Setting when a chat command can be used​
You can set when someone can use a chat command by restricting it to these conditions:
- When the Twitch stream is online.
- When the Twitch stream is offline.
- When Twitch chat is in sub-only mode.
- When Twitch chat is not in sub-only mode.
- When Twitch chat is in emote-only mode.
- When Twitch chat is not in emote-only mode.
Just pick the conditions in the «Only send the command when»

Restricting a chat command to a certain game​
When you have a chat command that only really applies when you are playing a certain game, you can set it to only be available when you're playing that game on Twitch.
Just pick the game in the «Only send the command when the stream's category is set to»

Auto disabling temporary chat commands​
Moobot can automatically disable or remove a chat command for you. This is useful for commands which contain temporary information.
For example, if you have a marathon coming up, informing your viewers about the marathon before and during the marathon may be an excellent idea, but once you have completed the marathon the information in the chat command is no longer relevant.
While in the edit-menu you can set the expiration of a chat command in the «Expiration»
Moobot can either remove the chat command, or disable it so you can edit it later.

Advanced chat command examples​
!Uptime chat command​
The «!Uptime»
chat command tells your viewers how much time has passed since your current stream started.
If you don't already have an «!Uptime»
chat command, you can copy-paste the below response into a new «!Uptime»
command's response:
@<username> X has been streaming for <uptime>
Just replace the «X»
with your name.

!Followage chat command​
The «!Followage»
chat command tells your viewers how long they've been following the channel on Twitch.
You can copy-paste the below response into a new «!Followage»
command's response:
@<1> has been following for <twitch.followed>
You can use the above chat command in Twitch chat like «!Followage»
, or by providing a Twitch username with «!Followage username»

!YouTube chat command​
The «!YouTube»
chat command links your viewers to your latest YouTube video.
You can copy-paste the below response into a new «!YouTube»
command's response:
Check out the latest video "<youtube.title>", over at <youtube.url>

!Song chat command​
The «!Song»
chat command displays what song you're listening to.
It uses to track the song, and Moobot's integration to display it in Twitch chat.
Follow these steps to set up
- Go to and register an account if you do not already have one.
- Download, install and run one of the scrobblers. This is the app that will track your music.
You can copy-paste the below response into a new «!Song»
command's response:
Currently listening to <lastfm.current>

Increase productivity with Moobot Assistant​
With Moobot Assistant you can use chat commands with the push of a keyboard hotkey.
This allows you to respond to or announce something quickly without having to interact directly with Twitch chat and posting a «!Command»
chat message.
This may be an excellent idea to use for your most commonly used chat commands.