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Engagement alerts for Twitch on your dashboard

Get alerted for engagements like new Twitch subs and follows, so you can encourage and boost further such engagements.

Moobot can alert you on your dashboard for several desirable engagements on Twitch:

For engagement alerts directly in Twitch chat, see its separate documentation.

Moobot can also display the engagements in your dashboard's notification log widget.

Engagement alerts for Twitch on your dashboard

Desktop notifications for your engagement alerts

Moobot can alert you with a desktop notification when you get an engagement on Twitch.

The desktop notification will display as a small pop-up in the notification area of your system.

Desktop notification for your engagement alert

Just follow these steps to activate desktop notifications:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Notifications» menu from there. The community menu
  2. While in the «Notifications» menu activate the «Display desktop notification» checkbox for any engagement you want to activate desktop notifications for. Desktop notifications for your engagement alerts
  3. Use the «Test the notification» button. Testing your engagement alert
  4. Click on the «Please click this alert to enable desktop notifications in your browser»-notification that pops up, and follow the steps to allow Moobot to show notifications. Enable desktop notifications
  5. Use the «Test the notification» button again once you've allowed Moobot to show notifications and then verify that the desktop notification displays correctly. Desktop notification for your engagement alert

Sounds for your engagement alerts

Moobot can play a sound when you get an engagement on Twitch.

Just follow these steps to activate sounds for your engagement alerts:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Notifications» menu from there. The community menu
  2. While in the «Notifications» menu activate the «Play sound» checkbox for any engagement you want to activate sounds for. Sounds for your engagement alerts
  3. Use the «Test the notification» button to verify that the sound plays. Testing your engagement alert
  4. () (Optional) To use your own sound, click the «Set sound» button and select a sound file from your local file system.
  5. (Optional) Adjust the volume the sound plays at by dragging the volume slider. Adjusting the sound volume for your engagement alert
  6. Use the «Test the notification» button once again to verify that your sound plays.

() You can set the custom sound in any sound format your browser supports («MP3», «MPEG», «Ogg», or «WAV».) Try converting to another sound format if your sound doesn't work.

You can also use the «Clear sound» button to reset the sound, in case it's not working.

Dashboard notifications for your engagement alerts

Moobot can alert you with a dashboard notification when you get an engagement on Twitch.

Dashboard notification for your engagement alert

Just follow these steps to activate dashboard notifications:

  1. Open up the «Community» menu from the main menu, then open the «Notifications» menu from there. The community menu
  2. While in the «Notifications» menu activate the «Display dashboard notification» checkbox for any engagement you want to activate dashboard notifications for. Dashboard notifications for your engagement alerts
  3. Use the «Test the notification» button to verify that the dashboard notification works. Testing your engagement alert Dashboard notification for your engagement alert

Queuing your engagement alerts

Moobot can queue your engagement alerts so you don't get sudden floods of them.

You can activate the «Queue the notifications» checkbox to make the alerts play one after the other.

Queuing your engagement alerts